Translating means engaging with a given text in a way like no other. I translate literary and non-literary texts and documents from and into Polish, English and German.


  • Jacek Dehnel, Czy to jest normalne miasto? Translation from Polish into German. stadtsprachen.

  • Urszula Zajączkowska, Es geschieht bereits, Translation from Polish into German. New Languages for the Planet A, a joint project of the Genshagen Foundation and Goethe Institute Warsaw, published in „Dwutygodnik”, 2021.

  • Saša Stanišić, Dr. Heimat. Translation from German into Polish, Goethe Institute Warsaw, 2019.

  • A short prose series about Berlin by Jakob Hein: Berliński Balans, Berlin szuka mieszkania, Berlińska młodzież, Berlińska miłość, Berlińska mowa, Berlin pierwszej klasy. Translations from German into Polish. Goethe Institute Warsaw, 2017-2018.

  • Exhibition catalogue to the exhibit Abzgram by Karolina Wojtas at C/O Berlin. Featuring an essay by Matthias Gründig Play and Punish. Spector Books, 2023.


  • Joanna Mueller, Mistyczne masthewy / Mystische musthaves. Translation from Polish into German, together with Dagmara Kraus. hochroth.

  • Agnieszka Wolny-Hamkało, … Myślą, że tacy szlachetni są, Translation from Polish into English and German.

  • Carl-Christian Elze, a selection of poems from ich lebe in einem wasserturm am meer, was albern ist. Translation from German into Polish.

  • Uljana Wolf, MUSEUM OF PATRZ–WORK TECHNOLOGIES (MOPT). Translation from German into Polish, commissioned for Palastgeschichten, 7.10.2023 Humboldt-Forum.


  • Gerne würdest du allen so viel sagen. Unterbrochene Gespräche des 20. Jahrhunderts. 16 documentary comics. Edited by Kai Pfeiffer and Monika Powalisz. Translation from Polish and English into German. Avant Verlag & Pilecki Institute Berlin. 2023.

Journalistic texts

  • Mateusz Fałkowski, Erinnert auch an die polnischen Verluste. Translation from Polish into German. Berliner Zeitung, 09.05.2021.

  • Aleksander Hudzik, Vor der Präsidenten-Stichwahl: So gespalten ist die polnische Gesellschaft. Translation from Polish into German. Tagesspiegel, 11.07.2020.

  • Various opinion pieces on the COVID-19 crisis in the EU. Translations from English into Polish., 2020.

  • Ein Chor der Polen – an interview with Marta Górnicka for “Theater der Zeit”. Translation from Polish into German, October 2017.

  • Rita Süssmuth żegna Władysława Bartoszewskiego. Translation from German into Polish, Gazeta Wyborcza 03.05.2015.

  • Bastian Lange “Mejkerzy”. Translation from German into Polish. Anthology my i oni: Przestrzenie wspólne / Projektowanie dla wspólnoty, Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, 2014.

  • Mikola Rjabtschuk, Ukraina: Tożsamość europejska przeciwko euroazjatyckiej (Ukraine: European Identity vs. the Euroasian one). Translation from English into Polish. Dialog: Deutsch-Polnisches Magazin. Nr. 107 (01/2014).

  • Martin Pollack, A Belated Love Affair. Translation from German into English. New Eastern Europe, special issue Cracow: A City of Literature. No. 05 (XIV)/2014.